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Level division

There are different levels, which are aligned with the real localities. Only two levels are absolute, and therefore very definable:
    - Local groups
    - Global groups
These two types of groups describe the groups that are either at the bottom of the hierarchy (local groups) or world-wide (global groups). The lowest level is the one where it is personal, where everyone knows everyone. It has to be relatively small, because human comprehension is simply not capable of more - psychologists assume that 120 to 150 people can be known personally and contact can be maintained. All other people lead to abstract groups. We need the global level so that we can address all groups. Because people cannot really be considered separately from each other just because the human capacity is not enough to do so. People are the people and they all have the same right - please do not confuse that with the fact that everyone should be treated equally. Besides, why should a person born somewhere else be treated differently? No, we provide a structure where every person can communicate freely with every other person - no matter where we are.

Between these two absolute group levels, there are two other group levels that can be used variably:
    - Regional groups
    - Supraregional groups

The regional groups include the local groups and can be one or two levels above. The supra-regional groups contain regional groups and can also represent several levels. How many always depends on the number of levels.

Earth → continent → country → state → region → city → district → group name.
In this case, the earth would be the global group, and the group name would be the local group. From region to city district, these would be the regional groups, and from continent to state, the super-regional groups.
Earth → continent → country → city → group name.
Here again the earth would be the global group and the group name would be the local group. The city would then be the regional group and the continent and country the supra-regional levels